- About INNOVA
- Innova Art is different. Many fine art paper companies were founded centuries ago and while some adapted their existing products to take advantage of the switch to digital printing, only Innova Art - the first international supplier of fine art media to be launched in the 21st century - can claim to have designed papers specifically for digital fine art printing. Innova Art is part of the revolution. Which is why, in 2006, the Technical Image Press Association, representing 31 specialist magazines and a readership of eight million readers across Europe, awarded the ground-breaking Innova FibaPrint 'Best Independent Inkjet Paper'. Innova leads the field because its founders, Mark Messina and Wayne Connelly, formerly of the Hahnemühle digital team, have always been at the forefront of developing new products for digital printing. The combination of cutting-edge innovation allied to centuries-old traditions has won plaudits for Innova Art products from thousands of artists, photographers and printers from around the world. They choose quality. They choose Innova. Now the choice is yours.
- INNOVA - Fiba Ultra Smooth Gloss 285g
FibaPrint Ultra Smooth Gloss has been modelled on the traditional fibre-based material used in conventional photography, and is the latest addition to the family of FibaPrint® papers. It’s ultra glossy, Ultra white and Ultrasmooth surface give it a truly unique quality, the closest to a traditional fibre based photo paper yet. The special Micro porous gloss coating has been designed specifically for photographic reproduction and high quality fine art print applications. The acid inhibiting crystal layer technology makes it the perfect digital FibaPrint alternative. FibaPrint Ultra Smooth Gloss has an extremely large color gamut and D-max rating of 2.7.
- 1. Ultra White
- 2. Ultra Smooth surface
- 3. Ultra Glossy finish
- 4. Crystal layer technology – the revolutionary crystal layer is unique to FibaPrint® and creates a barrier layer between the fibre base and the microporous glossy coating. This quality allows the paper to retain excellent, sharp detail, enhanced tonal range and a d-max rating up to 2.7.
- 5. Fibre based photo quality
- 6. Archival – Acid & lignin free
- 7. Pigment & dye ink compatible
- 8. Excellent colour gamut for colour photography
- 9. Exceptional D-max up to 2.7
- 1. Digital Fibre prints
- 2. Exhibition display
- 3. Fine Art & Fine Photographic reproduction
- 4. Photo restoration
- 5. Photo albums and memory books
- INNOVA - Cold Press Rough Textured 250g
Innova rough-textured, has a natural white finish with a coarse structured surface equivalent to a traditional watercolour paper designed for high quality fine art & photographic reproduction and print applications with inkjet (giclee) technology. It is an acid free, single side coated media.
- 1. Excellent colour gamut
- 2. Great colour accuracy
- 3. Archival quality
- 4. Dye & Pigment ink compatible
- 5. Natural white
- 6. Coarse structured surface
- 7. Alpha Cellulose
- Applications include
- 1. Fine art & Photographic reproduction
- 2. Photo restoration
- INNOVA - Smooth Cotton Natural White 315g
- Innova smooth cotton is a natural white 100% cotton rag material.
Its silky smooth surface has been designed to ensure we maintain the natural characteristics of a smooth natural white fine art paper whilst maintaining the necessary natural aesthetics demanded by artists. It is ideal for high quality fine art & photographic reproduction.
- 1. Great colour accuracy
- 2. Archival quality
- 3. Dye & Pigment ink compatible
- 4. High white 100% cotton rag
- 5. Ultra smooth surface
- Applications include
- 1. Fine art & Photographic reproduction
- 2. Photo restoration
- 3. Greetings cards and postcards
- 4. Art & Photo albums
- INNOVA - Decor Smooth Art 210g
Innova smooth cotton is a natural white 100% cotton rag material. Decor Smooth is a natural white inkjet coated watercolour paper designed for alue orientated, high volume printmakers. The surface emulates a etching papr and is execellent for decor art and posters reprodution. The paper is compatible withdye and pigment ink systems giving execellent colour gamut, and is produced to archival standards
- 1. Alpha cellulose, fourdrininer inkjet media
- 2. natural White
- 3. slightly textured matte surface
- 4. Opti-coat precision coated
- 5. Ultra smooth surface
- 6. Arachival-Acid & lignin free
- 7. insrant dry
- 8. pigment & dye ink compatible
- 9. Excellent colour gamut
- Applications include
- 1. Open edition prints
- 2. Art poster reproduction
- 3. Albums and memory book